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RING STRUCTURES OF MATTER - Pavel Ošmera The classical approach in particle physics is based on the
fact, that the electron has some parameters like charge, mass, etc. but does
not have a structure. The electron is calculated as point particle having magnetic
and electric properties. Finding a better structure model can give us truer
description of particle behavior. For example Coulomb’s force between the
proton and the electron for very small distances gives quite opposite results
for different particle structures (for point particles it is infinity and for
ring particles it is zero). Results for larger distances are the same. Ring
theory (RT) imagines the electron as semi-fractal particle with a toroidal
(ring) shape that is formed by ring substructures connected to each other by
vortex electromagnetic fields. The atomic nucleus can be built from the ring
protons and neutrons. Knowledge of structure rules of the atomic nucleus and
the properties of vortex electromagnetic field allow us to create relatively
precisely the structures of individual atoms and molecules (or nanostructures
like graphene). It allows us better understand the fundamental arrangement (and
topology) of atoms and molecules. RT gives us a new tool that helps create new
nanostructures with desired behavior.
Ring structures of atoms and molecules - Pavel Ošmera Knowledge of structure rules of the atomic nucleus and the properties of vortex electromagnetic field allow us to create relatively precisely the structures of individual atoms and molecules. Properties of atoms are largely described by the structure of their electron shells. However, the standard model of atoms does not allow define this structure exactly. New theory VFRT (vortex-fractal-ring-theory) can solve this lack. Theory VFRT uses fractal ring structure of the electron, the proton and the neutron, and can describe the inner structure of atomic nuclei. Fractal descriptions of Nature are very promising. The atomic nucleus can be built from the ring protons and neutrons. This new theory assumes that the arrangement of electron shells arises from the structure of the atomic nucleus. Electrons are not in orbit around the atomic nucleus, but each electron levitates with the corresponding proton of the nucleus. The levitation bond between the electron and the proton is formed by an electromagnetic vortex structure. Theory VFRT expands understanding of nature through a new perspective on the evolution of lifeless nature using a vortex, fractal and ring substructures with self-organization, from quarks, electrons, protons and neutrons, atoms, molecules, to the structure of complex organic compounds. Fractal dimension of electron - Pavel Ošmera 2013-05-01, published in the Proceedings of MENDEL2012, page 186-191 We would like to find a better and plausible structure of the electron as a torus and fractal structure. However it is in contradiction with generally accepted knowledge, where the electron has not a structure. Actual properties of the electron cannot be explained by point-like models. This paper is an attempt to improve our previous calculations of the radius of the electron and its fractal dimension. The vortex-fractal theory could possibly help with explanation what the charge, the electron, the proton, the electromagnetic field, etc. actually are.
Gravity as decrease of gravum pressure by fractal-ring structured matter - Pavel Ošmera 2013-05-01, published in the Proceedings of MENDEL2012, page 198-202 We tried to explain the basic principle of the gravity without a curved space or virtual gravitons. In our hypothesis gravum is a space without inner kinetic energy of fractal structured matter. We did not use the name vacuum for this space because it has different and disunited definitions. To distinguish our imagination from traditional one we suggest new name for this space: gravum. All objects that have fractal-ring structured matter decrease black energy by their inner kinetic energy. Two objects are attracted due to their decreased gravum pressure around them.
Gyroscopic behavior of toroidal fractal protons in NMR - Pavel Ošmera 2013-05-01, published in the Proceedings of MENDEL2012, page 192-197 We tried to explain the basic principle of nuclear magnetic resonance without a virtual magnetic dipole. We used the vortex-ring-fractal structures of the basic particles with their vortex electromagnetic fields.
Two-level Transplant Evolution for Optimization of General Controllers - P. Osmera, R. Weisser, M. Seda, and J. Roupec 2011 This paper describes the application of Two-Level Transplant Evolution (TE) that can evolve control programs using a variable length linear genome to govern the mapping of a Backus Naur Form grammar definition. TE combines Grammatical Evolution (on the genotype level) with Genetic Programming (tree structures on the phenotype level). To increase the efficiency of Transplant Evolution (TE) the parallel Differential Evolution was added.
Od prstencové struktury atomu vodíku po strukturu atomu zlata - Pavel Ošmera 2011 Článek navazuje na předchozí články uvádějící modely s vírovými strukturami a rozšiřuje chápání světa o nový pohled na evoluci neživé přírody s použitím prstencových a fraktálových a vírových podstruktur se samoorganizací, a to od struktur atomu vodíku až po prstencovou strukturu atomu zlata. Je zde popsán víroprstencový kvantový model atomu vodíku. Proti předchozím článkům, které se zabývaly převážně strukturálními transformacemi vyjádřenými pomocí obrázků, obsahuje článek matematický popis kvantových modelů. Výsledky kalkulací na fraktálovém modelu jsou v souladu s experimentálními znalostmi. Příspěvek navazuje na publikace v Kognice a umělý život I-VIII [1 – 7, 31] a dále v [8-9], [14-24],[32].
From the ring structure of hydrogen atom to the ring structure of water and gold - Pavel Ošmera 2011 This paper is an attempt to attain new models of the atomic nucleus using vortex-ring-fractal theory. The aim of this paper is the vortex-ring-fractal modeling of water molecule, which is not in contradiction to the known laws of chemistry. We would like to find some acceptable model of the gold nucleus. Our imagination is that the atomic nucleus consists from the ring protons and the ring neutrons. We present new model of the electromagnetic field
Vortex-fractal-ring model of hydrogen atom - Pavel Ošmera 2010 This paper is an attempt to attain a better model of the nature’s structure using a vortex-ring-fractal theory. The aim of this paper is the vortex-ring-fractal modeling of the hydrogen atom, which is not in contradiction to the known laws of nature. We would like to find some acceptable quantum model of the hydrogen atom as levitating model with a ring structure of the proton and a ring structure of the electron. It is known that planetary model of hydrogen is not right. The quantum model is too abstract. Our imagination is that the hydrogen atom is a levitation system of the ring proton and the ring electron.
Vortex-fractal-ring structures - Pavel Ošmera 2010 This paper is an attempt to attain a better model of the atomic nucleus using vortex-ring-fractal models. The aim of this paper is the vortex-ring-fractal modeling of atoms, which is not in contradiction to the known laws of nature. We would like to find some acceptable models of the atomic nucleus. Our imagination is that the atomic nucleus consists from the ring protons and the ring neutrons. We present here computer calculations and pictures.
Two-Level Transplant Evolution for Optimization of General Controllers - Roman Weisser and Pavel Ošmera 2010 The aim of this paper is to describe a new optimization method that can
create control equations of general regulators. For this type of
optimization a new method was created and we call it Two-Level
Transplant Evolution (TLTE). This method allowed us to apply advanced
methods of optimization, for example direct tree reducing of tree
structure of control equation. The reduction method was named Arithmetic
Tree Reducing (ART). For optimization of control equations of general
controllers is suitable combine two evolutionary algorithms. Main goal
in the first level of TLTE is the optimization of structure of general
controllers. In the second level of TLTE the concrete parameters are
optimized and the unknown abstract parameters in structure of equations
are set. The method TLTE was created by combination of Transplant
Evolution method (TE) and Differential Evolution method (DE). The
Transplant Evolution (TE) optimizes structure of solution with unknown
abstract parameters and the DE optimizes the parameters in this
structure. The parameters are real numbers. The real numbers are not
easy find directly in TE without DE. For evaluation of quality of found
control equation are described new methods, which allow us evaluate
their quality. It can be used in the case when the simulation of control
process cannot be finished. In results are shown some practical
application. In all results we received the control equation that
reached better quality of control process, than classical PSD
controllers and Takahashi`s modification of PSD controller.
Vortex-ring-fractal Structure of Atom and molecule - Pavel Ošmera 2009 This chapter is an attempt to attain a new and profound model of the nature’s structure using a vortex-ring-fractal theory (VRFT). Scientists have been trying to explain some phenomena in Nature that have not been explained so far. The aim of this paper is the vortexring-fractal modeling of elements in the Mendeleev’s periodic table, which is not in contradiction to the known laws of nature. We would like to find some acceptable structure model of the hydrogen as a vortex-fractal-coil structure of the proton and a vortex-fractal-ring structure of the electron. It is known that planetary model of the hydrogen atom is not right, the classical quantum model is too abstract. Our imagination is that the hydrogen is a levitation system of the proton and the electron. Structures of helium, oxygen, and carbon atoms and a hydrogen molecule are presented too.
Copyright © 2013, Pavel Ošmera |